Most of my posts are about pleasant things -- with the occasional rant about things that perturb me!

Friday, January 18, 2013

Fun in Sanford

I am in Sanford for a couple days to enjoy the nice weather and beautiful state parks around this area!

There are a lot of Sandhill Cranes here; I guess because of all the lakes. This was a family of 5 - mother, father, and 3 chicks. They were just pecking at the ground along the side of a highway.

I love this State Park.  Because of the warm weather, there weren't a lot of manatees today.  But, it's still a beautiful place to walk around.

The water is crystal-clear in this spring.
 Several gators lying around in the warm sun.
This manatee was sleeping . . .
. . . but, he did occasionally come up for air.

LOTS of these little varmints in the park.
I am enjoying the good life, that's for sure!
I always love it when I see a Bald Eagle flying overhead.  By the time I got out my zoom lens for a better photo, he was gone.  But, the white tail is unmistakable.