Most of my posts are about pleasant things -- with the occasional rant about things that perturb me!

Sunday, November 8, 2015

More baby iguanas . . .

I first discovered these 3 baby iguanas in early August; since that time, they have tripled in size.  I have only seen 3 at one time, there may be more - I don't know.  They have VERY original names:  1, 2 & 3.  And, I can actually tell them apart based on their size.

This is # 1.  He is not afraid of me anymore, and doesn't mind the clicking camera.  If I get more than an arm's-length, he will move, but not run.

The dates of these photos are October 5 thru October 27, 2015.  The newest (most recent) photos are first.

This is # 2.  He is fat and the biggest.  He is in the same exact spot in my yard every day at the same time.  His throat piece (don't know what that is called) is very blue.  He will let me get close - but not too close.

And, this little rascal is # 2.  He is timid and the smallest.  He tries desperately to hide from me (he thinks I can't see him here).  And, he will run FAST if  I get too close to him.  

Love the little tongue out!

Shedding his skin!