Most of my posts are about pleasant things -- with the occasional rant about things that perturb me!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011


This is a wonderful State Park.  The grounds are beautiful and built around a spring with lots of manatees, fish and other creatures.  It is home to a lot of native birds who have either been injured and are being rehabilitated, or who cannot live in the wild.  For someone who likes birds, the place is a dream!  It's very nice to walk around the park and enjoy the animals and scenery.

(Click on photos to enlarge.)

 HUGE manatees all over the place

 It was a  beautiful day to walk around the park
 A man and  his 2 friends enjoying the river
 Beautiful, endangered Florida Panther
(there were a  couple of them there)

 Red Wolves (also endangered)
(Smaller than the gray wolf, but bigger than a coyote)

 A retired circus bear

 A little fox
 The star of the place - LU
(He was born in 1960 - an old guy)
 A possum comes every night to my house and eats
my cat's food - funny, I never thought of picking it up
and playing with it!!  This one's mother was killed
and she was raised by the park rangers.
THE BEST!   Whooping Cranes

 Bald Eagle (duh!)
Red-Tailed Hawk
 Red-Shouldered Hawk
 Lots of Herons and Egrets

 Horned Owl
 Roseate Spoonbill
 This is a Crested Caracaras, a member of the falcon family.
It is a threatened species (I like his toupee!) 
 Pair of Wood Storks
 Brown Pelicans nesting
 Sandhill Cranes (this one was  sleeping)


Beautiful Wood Duck

 Wood Duck and his Wife
He was never far from his wife

River Otter out for his morning swim

Then a little roll in the dirt

(Click on the play button (bottom left) to play videos.)

Whooping Crane making his famous whooping call

The underwater viewing area - LOTS of fish swimming in circles!