Most of my posts are about pleasant things -- with the occasional rant about things that perturb me!

Saturday, February 19, 2011


For the third year in a row, a pair of bald eagles have nested in an area of Pembroke Pines, Florida.  In 2009, they produced 2 chicks; in 2010, they produced 3 chicks; and this year there are 2 more chicks in the nest (born probably sometime in early January 2011).  The chicks are still real small and I couldn't see them very well, the mother (or father) was fiercely protecting them - sitting right above the nest.
(Click on photos to enlarge.)

Parent just watching over the nest

 This is the nest.  I could only see one chick, but
there are 2 in there
 The chick's black head is on the left
 Hard to see because he is behind the tree.
 At one point, a turkey vulture came too close to the nest.
The parent who was watching over them took off after
the vulture like a bat out of hell.

 The vulture ran from the eagle, but was no match

 The vulture finally left the area
 The eagle quickly flew back towards the nest
She got back on her branch to watch her babies
 The nest is right below her
 And all is well again