Most of my posts are about pleasant things -- with the occasional rant about things that perturb me!

Thursday, April 17, 2014


These bald eagles were hatched approximately January 11, 2014.  They are just a little over 3 months old and flying already.  Today, they were near the nest - waiting for a parent to bring them food, which she/he did!

Empty Nest Syndrome.
The parent still brings food to the nest.

I think she even chops it up for her offspring.

Eaglet # 1 quickly showed up for a free meal!

The parent flew off the nest and let the eaglet eat.

She's not far away - in a tree watching her nest.

Eaglet #2 flew right in front of my face!

She landed on the branch near the parent, but the parent quickly flew off.

Beautiful 3-month-old baby bald eagle.

I guess she will wait her for her next meal!