Most of my posts are about pleasant things -- with the occasional rant about things that perturb me!

Monday, March 31, 2014

Baby Bald Eagles - Almost ready to fly

These are a pair of eaglets born to two bald eagles who have used the same nest for at least 6 years.  These (probably females) are very healthy and active.  This will probably be my last photos of them for this season, because it's pretty clear they are only days away from flying away from the nest.  They have exceptional parents who come very often and feed them, as well as chase off other birds such as vultures and osprey.  It's fun to watch the progress of the eaglets.

One of the chicks is on the branch to the right.  The other, still on the nest. 

This is funny - she was jumping up and down trying to fly.

Huge wingspan for a bald eagle!

They are excited because they hear the parent bringing them food.

The adult flying in with a fish

The parent swoops in and drops off the fish to the screaming offspring!

The parents of these eaglets are never far away.  This one sits in a tree nearby and watches for predators.

The eaglets are fed, quiet and calm!

These chicks are about 3 months old; born around January 11, 2014.

from the Sun Sentinel:  The Pembroke Pines eagles, whose nest was discovered seven years ago, are an indication of the recovery of a species that had been down to just 80 nesting pairs statewide 40 years ago. Following the banning of the pesticide DDT in 1972, there are more than 1,500 nesting pairs in Florida, home to the third-largest population in the United States, after Alaska and Minnesota.