Most of my posts are about pleasant things -- with the occasional rant about things that perturb me!

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Fairchild Tropical Garden

It was a pretty (but hot) day to visit Fairchild Tropical Garden's new butterfly garden.  It was magnificent.  In addition to the butterflies, there are also hummingbirds and beautiful plants.

A couple times a day, volunteers bring out butterflies and release them.  They will put them on your hand if you are there during that time.  It's fun.

A little hummingbird way up high.

The orchids in the butterfly garden and throughout Fairchild are just magnificent!  There are so many varieties of beautiful plants!

This was an awesome exhibit called Chapungu: Custom and Legend, A Culture in Stone.  These are sculptures made from stone.  Each one was more beautiful than the next.

This is truly a beautiful place to visit.  Lots of art, sculptures, plants, flowers, birds and fresh air.  I love it.