Most of my posts are about pleasant things -- with the occasional rant about things that perturb me!

Saturday, November 29, 2014

Who needs shopping on Black Friday . . .

. . . when you can go to Everglades National Park !?

The best part of today's visit to Everglades National Park was this beautiful juvenile hawk.  He flew screaming above my head and landed on a branch right above me.  Hawks are usually very shy, but this guy didn't mind my photo-taking one bit!

What a beauty!

Great blue heron

Little blue heron

A little green heron fishing . . .

He goes in for the kill . . . 

Got it!

Another little blue heron

Another little green heron (common here)

Great white egret

A gorgeous wood stork in flight

A gator and little blue heron

You just NEVER know what is lurking under the water in South Florida!

Waiting for a meal to fly in his mouth!

More lurking!

An insect you don't mind!

Swamp flower

It was a beautiful day in the Everglades today!

A turtle catching some rays!

Yeah . . . Life IS good!  For sure!

My perfect Black Friday concluded with a beautiful sunset at the Dinner Key Marina.  Spectacular!