Most of my posts are about pleasant things -- with the occasional rant about things that perturb me!

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Blue Spring State Park

It is impossible to have a bad day at this gorgeous state park.  I love the serenity here.  There is a beautiful boardwalk where you can peacefully stroll along the St. John's River.  You hear lots of birds, and the moss in the trees is beautiful!

I love all this moss!

A pretty color among all the green!

This is the GOOD LIFE!


Ha ha.  He was SO cute!

Pileated Woodpecker
(I was hoping it was an Ivorybill, but if it was I would have seen an extinct bird!)
Red-Bellied Woodpecker

Turtles thermal regulating.

Everybody is under the watchful eye of this gator!