Most of my posts are about pleasant things -- with the occasional rant about things that perturb me!

Wednesday, December 25, 2013


to all, and to all a good night!

Saturday, December 14, 2013

December 14, 1925

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Art Basel, 2013

This fool was sitting ON the artwork texting.  Like, the 300 benches in the park weren't good enough to sit on!

Yes, that IS a full-sized tanker!

Saturday, December 7, 2013

Pearl Harbor, December 7, 1941

Pearl Harbor survivors (photo NOT by me)

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Morning with Manatees

I was so honored to stroll among these endangered beauties today at Blue Spring State Park.  There were over a hundred manatees in the park today, all seeking a little warm water!  There were a lot of mothers with calves. 

Such sweet babies!!

Mother and calf


Blue Spring State Park

It is impossible to have a bad day at this gorgeous state park.  I love the serenity here.  There is a beautiful boardwalk where you can peacefully stroll along the St. John's River.  You hear lots of birds, and the moss in the trees is beautiful!

I love all this moss!

A pretty color among all the green!

This is the GOOD LIFE!


Ha ha.  He was SO cute!

Pileated Woodpecker
(I was hoping it was an Ivorybill, but if it was I would have seen an extinct bird!)
Red-Bellied Woodpecker

Turtles thermal regulating.

Everybody is under the watchful eye of this gator!

Sunday, December 1, 2013


Friday, November 29, 2013

Shopping or the Everglades for Black Friday?!

The Swamp won!

Little Blue Heron

Little Green Heron

Flock of Wood Storks



Would you really risk falling asleep in front of a bunch of vultures?

Thursday, November 28, 2013


Friday, November 22, 2013

John F. Kennedy - 50 Years Ago

It is strange how some things you never forget.  I was 8 years old exactly 50 years ago today when the President of the United States, John F. Kennedy, was shot and killed in Dallas, Texas.  I remember where I was, what I was doing, and every little detail about that day.

I visited Dealey Plaza in Dallas on November 27, 2009.  It was very strange to see where the President had been assassinated all those years ago.

This photograph depicts the Grassy Knoll (left), the exact spot in the street where John F. Kennedy was shot (middle), and the building where Lee Harvey Oswald shot him from (right).

"X" marks the spot.

The building Oswald shot JFK from is now a museum.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

150 years ago today . . .

. . . On November 19, 1863, President Abraham Lincoln delivered the Gettysburg Address at the dedication of the Soldiers' National Cemetery in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, four and a half months after the Union armies defeated those of the Confederacy at the Battle of Gettysburg.