The day started out with a sighting of this beautiful Sandhill Crane. Naturally, I jumped out of the car to annoy and photograph him!
When he finally had enough of me, he meandered
off to join his mate (who really wasn't tolerating me!)
Gas is cheap (relatively speaking!) in central Florida!
A pretty little town to walk around -- lots of shops and restaurants.
Stopped in for a spot of tea and lunch at this pretty little Tea Room. It was a nice choice - big menu and good service. Best bread I have ever eaten! (I didn't really have a "spot of tea," I just wanted to say that.)
This is the huge, gigantor flea market and farmer's market. The produce and herbs they sell are beautiful. There is also row after row after row of junk to buy!
I didn't try this one!
I opted for the plain cherry!
The flea market sells all kinds of flowers and plants too.
Fantastic place to buy Nepenthis
And orchids
ANTIQUES (expensive junk)
WTF? Who would wear this?
Again, WTF??
You know you're old when you've grown up listening to a "record player" and now it's classified as an "antique!"

And, the very best part of my Mt. Dora trip was seeing
my longtime buddy who I hadn't seen in 7 years!