Most of my posts are about pleasant things -- with the occasional rant about things that perturb me!

Saturday, March 5, 2011


This is the perfect time of year to see all kinds of birds at Everglades National Park.  There were a lot of baby anhingas and baby alligators.
(Click on photos to enlarge.)

Many, many anhingas

 There were so many anhinga nests and babies all
over of all different sizes.  Some had already
left the nest, but were still in the area

 This one was already flying, but still near his nest

What a great life - he is smiling!!!

I love how they stick their little feet out!

 Now, I love all creatures great and small.  But,
seriously, this is a face only a mother could love!

 I don't usually see them come out of the water
Cormorants have the most beautiful eyes!

Little green heron

 There's never a shortage of herons!

I saw several purple gallinules and a couple juvenile ones.

 I think these are juvenile purple gallinules

 Great egret
 Wood stork
There were a bunch of tiny alligators today

 Some a little bigger
 And, then, the big ones

 He needs a dentist!

 So lazy!