The GHOST ORCHID is a rare and endangered orchid native to Southwest Florida and Cuba. In Florida, its range is very localized in swamps in the Fakahatchee, Big Cypress, and Corkscrew. It is illegal under both state and federal laws to remove or relocate these beautiful orchids. At Corkscrew Swamp, 8 to 10 buds were spotted on the Ghost Orchid during the third week in June. By the end of June, there were 13 buds, and today when I visited Corkscrew, 8 blooms were visible. (Click on photos to enlarge.)
The Ghost Orchid at Corkscrew Swamp is growing
on the trunk of a 400-500 year old Bald Cypress Tree.
It is estimated that this Ghost Orchid is 30-35 years old.

This photo was taken through a telescope,
that's why it appears foggy.